Category Archive : Health Plan

Maximizing Your Brain Potential: Strategies to Boost Brain Capacity

Maximizing Your Brain Potential: Strategies to Boost Brain Capacity

Introduction: Enhancing Your Cognitive Power

In the fast-paced world we live in, optimizing brain capacity has become increasingly important for success and well-being. 

Fortunately, there are various strategies and techniques available to help individuals boost their brain capacity and maximize cognitive function. In this article, we explore effective methods for Read the rest

Should Cannabis Be Considered as an Acute Pain Treatment?

Should Cannabis Be Considered as an Acute Pain Treatment?

Cannabis has been getting a lot of attention lately. One of the more recent stories to make the rounds involves a study showing that as many as half of all chronic pain patients who use medical cannabis have also reduced their use of opioids. That is good news for chronic Read the rest

Study Confirms Marijuana’s Popularity as a Pain Medicine

Study Confirms Marijuana's Popularity as a Pain Medicine

Anyone who follows medical cannabis news recognizes the fact that chronic pain is the most often cited complaint among medical cannabis patients. Anecdotally, we have long known that chronic pain patients find relief through marijuana. Now, a recently released study proves its popularity as a pain medicine.

Researchers from John Read the rest

How to Train for a 5K Run

How to Train for a 5K Run

There are many ways to challenge yourself. Some people will attempt to learn a new language or take up baking while others might decide to go back to college to further their education. For some, the biggest challenge involves physical exercise; one of the most common ways to do this Read the rest

5 Reasons Doctors Are Still Wary of Medical Marijuana

5 Reasons Doctors Are Still Wary of Medical Marijuana

Despite medical marijuana now being legal in some 38 states, doctors across the country remain wary of it. They are not comfortable helping patients obtain medical cannabis cards. They do not want to go on record as recommending it. The question is, why? What is it about medical marijuana that Read the rest