Category Archive : Healthy Body

Personalized Training: The Benefits of Customized Workout Plans in World-Class Gyms

Personalized Training: The Benefits of Customized Workout Plans in World-Class Gyms

Personal training in state-of-the-art fitness facilities may be considered one of the best ways to get the best out of your training. These personal fitness programs are developed by experienced fitness instructors who utilize modern equipment and techniques to maximize every client’s interaction within the health club’s facilities. 

This blog Read the rest

5 Great Tips for Athletes to Improve their Stamina

5 Great Tips for Athletes to Improve their Stamina

If you must choose one fitness component to improve, your stamina may take the backseat. Most people concentrate on speed, endurance, or strength, which are important goals. But one underrated factor of fitness that combines different components of being fit is stamina.

If you are an athlete looking to improve Read the rest

Exploring the Link Between Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Exploring the Link Between Physical and Mental Wellbeing

There is a strong link between our physical and mental wellbeing, and when one is affected the other often follows suit. For example, take someone struggling with chronic pain. The enormity of having to deal with pain every day for months on end can have a massive impact on the Read the rest

Does Weight Lifting Burn Fat?

Does Weight Lifting Burn Fat?

Weight lifting is an effective exercise that can help you burn more calories than cardio. This exercise also increases muscle mass, releases growth hormone, and reduces visceral fat. Weight lifting helps you lose fat because it enables you to build lean muscle.

Weight lifting burns more calories than cardio.

When … Read the rest

What Are The Best Ways To Stay Fit On A Budget?

What Are The Best Ways To Stay Fit On A Budget?

It is easy to provide excuses about why we have not incorporated exercises into our daily routine, and most reasons revolve around not registering for a gym class or having money to get equipment. However, you do not necessarily need these things to keep in shape.

The use of equipment Read the rest