Hospice: How To Plan Appropriate End-of-Life Care If Your Loved One Shows Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Hospice: How To Plan Appropriate End-of-Life Care If Your Loved One Shows Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Hospice: How To Plan Appropriate End-of-Life Care If Your Loved One Shows Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Looking after someone with Alzheimer’s can be stressful and intense. But you’re not alone in this journey. Since Alzheimer’s has no cure, your caregiving, constant support, and palliative care at home are what make the biggest difference to your loved one’s life. 

As the disease progresses, so will your responsibilities. That’s why you should consider the practical tips we’ve rounded up

Try to Reduce the Frustrations

Over time, Alzheimer’s patients become frustrated when the simplest of tasks become difficult for them. To help ease their agitation and to reduce the challenges, you should:

Establish a Daily Routine

Scheduling helps. Maintain a daily routine but do keep it flexible for difficult days and spontaneous activities.

Take Your Time

Don’t rush it. It will take longer to do everyday things than it used to, so schedule extra time for them.

Involve the Person

Don’t do everything yourself. Allow the person with Alzheimer’s to do as much as they can but help them where necessary.

Provide Some Choices

Provide them with a few choices every day, e.g., let them choose between two outfits, ask if they’d like a hot or cold drink, and let them decide whether they want to go to the beach or watch a movie.

Limit Naptime

Don’t let them nap too much or for too long.

Reduce Distractions

Try to provide them with a distraction-free environment so they can focus better.

Be More Flexible

Alzheimer’s doesn’t get better. Your loved one will likely get more dependent on you. To avoid frustration, you should try to be more flexible. For instance, if they want to wear the same outfit every day, buy them identical outfits. 

Ensure Safety

Alzheimer’s impairs one’s cognitive skills and increases the chance of injury. To prevent any accidents, create a safe environment for them. You can prevent falls by removing any clutter, cords, or rugs. Install handrails in areas like near staircases, beds, and toilet seats. Install locks where dangerous things are kept like guns, medicine, alcohol, knives, tools, etc. Always lower the temperature on the water heater and take safety precautions for fire and smoke.

Provide Your Loved One with At-Home Hospice Care

If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it’s important to start looking for quality care options for them.

Hospice Home Care provides quality end-of-life carehospice, and palliative care in California so that your loved ones may pass the rest of their days living fully and comfortably.

For support and consultation regarding patient care, contact Hospice Home Care today.