What Does a Doctor Do – Apart from the Obvious?

What Does a Doctor Do – Apart from the Obvious?

What Does a Doctor Do – Apart from the Obvious?

We all know what doctors do on a general level. They diagnose and treat medical conditions. However, this description is very basic as there is a lot more to being a doctor than that. And even the process of diagnosing medical conditions requires specialist knowledge and years of training. It is why the requirements for entering medical school are so high. Doctors are responsible for the lives of their patients, which is why training is so extensive and lengthy. 

What are the Responsibilities of a Doctor? 

What a doctor does on a day-to-day basis depends on the type of doctor they are. For example, a surgeon would spend much of their time operating on patients, while a general physician would spend the day assessing patients’ symptoms and recommending various treatments. 

Assessing symptoms is something that all doctors do. They will do this by talking to the patient and asking questions about how they are feeling. They will also discuss medical history, family history of illness, and any medications the person might be taking. Sometimes, it will be necessary for the doctor to perform a physical examination to get a better idea of what might be causing the symptoms. 

A doctor will also order tests such as imaging scans and lab screenings to support a diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been made, the doctor will usually recommend treatment. This might be a course of medication or antibiotics, or it could be a surgical procedure. It is important that doctors provide their patients with as much information as possible relating to the diagnosis and the treatment. This then gives patients the opportunity to make informed decisions about their care. 

Doctors need to tell patients about the condition they have and what their chances of recovery are. They also need to explain the benefits and risks of any recommended treatments while also explaining the risks of not having the treatment. 

Doctors are responsible for interpreting lab results and scans and then recommending further treatment if necessary. They will work with other medical professionals to ensure that patients get the best possible care. 

As well as providing direct patient care, doctors are responsible for ensuring that medical records include all relevant information. They will document all aspects of the patient’s visit, including diagnosis, treatments, lab tests, scans, administrative tasks, and anything else that is billable. This information will then be translated into medical billing codes by coders and sent to the relevant payer. The experts at Find-A-Code (visit website here) say that the doctor must ensure the information entered is accurate and complete to prevent claims forms being rejected or denied by the insurance company. 

Becoming a Doctor

Doctors have a very demanding job and one that carries a huge amount of responsibility. It is not surprising therefore that they are paid very high salaries. It typically takes up to seven years before an individual is qualified to practice as a doctor while those looking to specialize in a particular field will require further training. 

Successful doctors have more than just education and training however. They are typically good problem solvers with excellent communication skills. They need to be compassionate and caring and have a good eye for detail. They must also be able to work under pressure, and be able to react appropriately to sudden changes. 


Few people have what it takes to become a doctor. Those who qualify will undergo many years of training and will need a variety of skills to succeed in their field. Being a doctor is about taking care of other people and providing them with the treatments required to ensure good health and, oftentimes, save their lives.